About Hankamer & Associates
Ray Hankamer, Jr.
CHA President
In Commercial Real Estate Transactions We Provide For:
General Real Estate Advisory Services
Site Location - Analysis and/or Sale
Sourcing for Financing
Franchise Affiliation Evaluation (Hotels)
Renovation Consulting
A Sensible Approach to Marketing Your Real Estate Asset
Rather than overexposing your asset by "shotgun advertising" we prefer to market discreetly to our database of proven buyers. Using direct mail, the internet, and personal contact in a controlled and focused effort, we will expose your property without overexposing it. When appropriate, and with client consent, we will advertise judiciously in print media and electronic and may cooperate with other reputable brokers who represent clients with an established track record.
As a listing broker and Texas hotel broker, Hankamer & Associates assimilates market and operational data to develop a full color package of a property for presentation to pre-identified buyers from our database.
Please visit our Experience page for a further listing of experience and qualifications.
For those clients who enjoy fine dining and exciting and unusual travel experiences please visit our: